Book of Abstracts
Book of abstracts_ELSEDIMA 2018.pdf

17 - 19 MAY 2018, CLUJ-NAPOCA
Book of abstracts_ELSEDIMA 2018.pdf
On Saturday, 19 May 2018 the participants to the conference can chose to go on a field trip.
There are 2 options: a full-day trip to the Apuseni Mountains or a half day trip to Turda salt mine.
The participants are asked to send us an email at by May 10 if they would like to go in one of the two field trips.
The organizing committee
For detailed maps of the 2 field trip options, please go next >
Dear participants,
Please find below the PPT template for presentations and poster sizes:
Plenary lectures: 20 minutes
Presentations: 10 minutes (+ 5 minutes for Q&A)
Poster size: A1 Portrait Orientation (Height = 84 cm, Width = 59 cm)
PPT template here
Similar events in this field are:
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8–13 April 2018
Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Iasi, Romania, 1-3 June 2018
International Summer School on Disaster Management, Arcalia, Romania, 24 – 31 August 2018
We would like to thank to the following keynote speakers for accepting our invitation to hold plenary lectures during the conference:
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 15th of April.
The papers accepted based on the scientific quality and the submission of at least one author at the Conference will be sent for publication to one of the following journals: